To purchase TouchChinese services online is fast, simple and safe.Payment will be accepted by credit card or PayPal only. PayPal Merchant Services accepts Visa, MasterCard,Discover and American Express..We respect your privacy and will not sell your information to the third party. Once you complete the purchase process, you will receive a confirmation email. If you have any questions, do feel free to contact to our services staff. They can help you with the purchase process.
How to Pay with PayPal?
Using PayPal, you do not need to have a PayPal account before ordering from
Step 1. On the course payment page, click “Buy Now” after reviewing the course package.
You will then leave and enter PayPal’s website.
Step 2. Log in to your PayPal account, or create one if you haven’t already.
Step 3. Follow the on-screen instructions given by PayPal.
What are the Advantages of using PayPal?
Payment is traceable. You can trace the status of your payment using your PayPal account.
Payment does not require you to use your credit card online (you can transfer directly from your bank account). If you do use your credit card through PayPal, won’t see your credit card number, minimizing the risk of unauthorized use.