6 suggestions to help you prepare HSK Level 3

The Level 3 HSK exam involves reading, writing, and listening. Pinyin does not accompany every character. Students may take the online or handwritten test, depending on their preference. Prior to getting ready for the Level 3 HSK exam, you need to know the rules and test format.

You need to know about HSK Level 2

The Level 2 HSK exam tests students on reading and listening skills only, and the written portion of the exam includes Pinyin along with the Chinese characters. Students may take the internet-based exam or the handwritten exam, depending on their preference. The suggestions below will prepare you for when you take the Level 2 HSK exam.

4 suggestions to help you prepare HSK Level 1

The new HSK is a globally recognized test for students learning Mandarin Chinese as a second language. There are six levels of difficulty in the HSK, and four language components are tested. Level 1 of the HSK tests students on reading and listening skills only, and the written portion of the exam includes Pinyin along with the Chinese characters. Students may take the internet-based exam or the handwritten exam, depending on their preference. The suggestions below will prepare you for when you take the Level 1 HSK exam.

Tips of Pinyin Pronunciation

These days, more and more international people are keen on learning Chinese. Therefore today I will cover Phonetics, something every Chinese learner should thoroughly study.

First of all, most Chinese syllables are composed of initials, finals and tones. For example, “bà” “mā” “hǎo”, are all syllables. Initials are consonants found at the beginning of a syllable, such as b、m、h. The other parts are finals, like à、ā、ǎo. Did you know Mandarin Chinese has more than 400 syllables?