You need to know about HSK Level 2

The Level 2 HSK exam tests students on reading and listening skills only, and the written portion of the exam includes Pinyin along with the Chinese characters. Students may take the internet-based exam or the handwritten exam, depending on their preference. The suggestions below will prepare you for when you take the Level 2 HSK exam.

4 suggestions to help you prepare HSK Level 1

The new HSK is a globally recognized test for students learning Mandarin Chinese as a second language. There are six levels of difficulty in the HSK, and four language components are tested. Level 1 of the HSK tests students on reading and listening skills only, and the written portion of the exam includes Pinyin along with the Chinese characters. Students may take the internet-based exam or the handwritten exam, depending on their preference. The suggestions below will prepare you for when you take the Level 1 HSK exam.

How to Count Numbers in Chinese

The Chinese counting system is fairly logical, and while it does have some special parts, once you learn it, you will know how to count in Chinese.

Mandarin/Chinese number has two units that English doesn’t have:
万(wàn,ten thousand) and亿 (yì, hundred million). For example:

16,000 in English reads “sixteen thousand”, Split it the Chinese way, “1,6000,” and the Chinese reading “一万六千” (yí wàn liùqiān).